Creating beautiful scenes with Unity has never been so easy with the Universal Render Pipeline (URP).

This project was designed to showcase some of the amazing features available at our fingertips in Unity, some of which included:

- Emissions
- Post Processing with Bloom, Color Adjustments & Vignette
- Reflection Probes
- Occlusion Culling
- Fog particle effect
- Custom Skybox
- Assortment of different light sources

I did have another project that I wanted to upload which was the same scene as this one, but using features from the High Definition Render Pipeline (HDRP) instead. However, as WebGL doesn't support HDRP, I am unable to upload and will simply have a link to my portfolio along with some screenshots.

**Press Escape Key to exit Play mode**

V1.1 - Fixed error causing the player to fall through the fall and look rotations not working as intended. 15/12/2022

V1.0 - Uploaded game 01/02/22

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